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Video Consultation

At Beauty By Dua, we understand that busy schedules can make it difficult to prioritise your skincare needs. That’s why we offer convenient video consultations, allowing you to connect with a skincare expert – all from the comfort of your own home! 

The service is available for men and women. 

Available on mobiles and tablets only.

Here's How It Works:

First, Download the Anni App:

Second, Search for Dua Fakhereddin’s Profile and Book a Consultation Video Call.

This is only available on mobiles and tablets only.

Third, Use This Code to Get a 10% Discount:


Benefits of a Video Consultation:

What to expect

Understanding your skin concerns and providing a plan for achieving your ideal hair and skin are my main goals. By learning about you and your lifestyle, we will discuss possible changes to your daily skincare and haircare routines or even create a new one from scratch.


Book your Appointment with us


Video Consultation

Cost: $30 for 15 minutes
men and women

This is only available on mobiles and tablets only.

Ready to Get Started?

Simply download the Anni app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Search for Dua Fakhereddin’s profile profile and book your video consultation. Our team is here to help you achieve your skincare goals!

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